Jul 20, 2013

April & May

Finally got the time to edit some of the pending photos that I was supposed to upload ages ago.  Basically I’ve been wasting my time catching up on HIMYM and Vampire Diaries.  The rest of the time?  Study :/

This was back in April when Farm and Yy came back for a few weeks and so we went to have this 8 flavour xiao long bao @ Paradise Dynasty, Paradigm Mall.  Reminds me of how crazy we were last time when my friend and I (8 people) ordered 8 trays of them just because we wanted to try all the flavours.


Dessert after dinner.  Yy instagram-ing the crepe cake. 




Either the cakes tasted normal, or I’m just not a fan of crepe cake. 


May.  I bought this album ‘Save Rock & Roll’ from Fall Out Boy on my birthday, 21st deserve a day of good songs.  Awesome tracks :)


Went to collect the race packs for KL Marathon in June, but it got postponed to Sept thanks to the HAZE. 


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