Project 365 - How to take a photo a day and see your life in a whole new way.
*** Currently on hold, will resume once I have the time to do so
- Imagine being able to look back at any day of your year and recall what you did, who you met, what you learned.
- Your year-long photo album will be an amazing way to document your travels and accomplishments, your haircuts and relationships. Time moves surprisingly fast.
- Taking a photo a day will make you a better photographer. Using your camera every day will help you learn its limits. You will get better at composing your shots, you’ll start to care about lighting, and you’ll become more creative with your photography when you’re forced to come up with something new every single day.
And why am I doing this?
- A promise that I'll try my best to keep up to.
- I want to have something I can look back and recall all the memories of the adventures I've been through in the past 365/366 days. This project is perfect for it, especially when I had just started my university life.
- I love photography, and this is probably the best way to improve my skills. Hopefully someday, someone will look at my photos and be able to understand what I'm trying to say through pictures.
Every posts of the project will be tagged under #Project 365.
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