Jun 5, 2014

Holidays, finally

So after not having a long break for 2.5 years, I can finally stop reading for a moment and try to finish editing some of the pending photos so that I can upload them all at once.  And catch up on some of the tv shows and movies, plus some ‘me’ time at home since the brother is staying over at Chloe’s house for a week. 

But it gets really boring sometimes, so I look into some of the folders in my computers and found some old photos sitting in the folder ‘random shots’.   

My brother’s new laptop – ASUS.


Sunset.  夕阳无限好,只是近黄昏。我总觉得,夕阳是大自然对人类的一种提醒,告诉我们时间飞逝、美好的风景是多么的短暂,有些事一旦错过了,就不能再重来了。但又有多少位城市人懂的停下脚步,抬头欣赏呢?


Just a nice glass that I found back in my house in Penang. 


Oh and this nice vase :)


How does one wisely spend their last 2 months in Malaysia before flying off to the UK to further their studies?  Need some suggestions here.  Well, of course meeting up with friends is a must. 

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