Mar 1, 2014

CNY dinner 2013

So this is another pending posts from the Chinese New Year back in 2013, I don’t really like uploading photos up onto my facebook account as I find it a little too public for my liking.  Somehow blogger provides me a sense of privacy (yeah don’t judge my logic) so I really love posting photos on here.  Another reason is because I don’t have many readers (I doubt there is anyone reading this right now hence the ‘privacy’) :)

This was at my cousin’s house, they changed the tradition of having steamboat and prepared for barbeque instead.  YAY, cause I had had so much steamboat I skipped most of the dinners. 


Aunt insisted that I put a note beside the mutton so that there will be enough mutton for everyone, but of course, no one gave a shit.  It’s CNY! *eat all the food*


French fries :D


I think this is some pork sausages if I am not mistaken. 


And some fried fish cakes. 



For those vegetarians.  Just kidding I don’t have any vegetarian relatives. 



There are more photos coming I promise.  But in the meantime, let me finish my selective log book.  Busy schedule, busy life, but this is how a medical student life should be :)

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