Jun 3, 2013

Quick update

Exam is in a month’s time, and I’m really unprepared for it.  I missed one week of classes as I went back to Penang for my grandfather’s funeral and I have to say that one week is very crucial.  Now that I am so far behind my schedule, I might as well do something that makes me feel better rather than stressing out, and I really don’t need this extra pressure already.  So here I am, blogging again. 

The McD Hello Kitty that I bought for Carys’ dog, Kobi :D  and he loves it very much.  Good to hear that. 


Not a fan of it LOL. 


The best bros & Alex got me a lomo fisheye camera for my 21st birthday :D Thanks Eleng, Carys, Adam, Frank and Alex :)


It’s so old school that I need to ask my mum to teach me LOL. 


Because it uses film instead of memory chip, and I haven’t finished the film, so I won’t be able to see the results until I finish the whole roll and develop it.  And it doesn’t have any setting like my dslr (Nuuu...)  Haihh #firstworldproblems


Today’s sunset :)  It’s been a while. 


Stay tuned. 

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